
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Training camp has been epic! I have seen and experienced so many things. Tent camping in the rain, eating crickets, performing a synchronized swimming routine out of the water (squad wars), the undeniable presence of God, conviction, trust, community, and healing. Saying it has been a whirlwind doesn’t give it justice. The Lord has been so gracious and merciful in all of it. The Lord has stretched me, grown me, and has revealed himself in new ways. I have found healing and comfort in his promises to me. I am so very pumped for the next 11 months and can’t wait to see what the Lord is going to do through me!

This is my squad and our leadership! We are P squad and we are so awesome!!! We leave Monday morning (Sept. 12th) for Guatemala!!! We will be there for 8 weeks spreading love, sharing the gospel, and seeking the Lord. Pray for safe and smooth travels!

This is my team! Our name is 247! It is said like two four seven, and you can also say 24/7. We are a team that wholeheartedly seeks, abides, and loves God 24/7! It also has to do with the Lord’s heart for his people and his mission we are carrying. Jeremiah 24:7 “I will give them hearts that recognize me as the Lord. They will be my people, and I will be their God, for they will return to me wholeheartedly.” Yessss, it’s so good! Pray over the work the Lord has for us as we partner with the community and begin ministry work in Guatemala.

There is something that hit me and convicted me hard this last week of training camp. One of our speakers asked the question “at the end of the year what are you going to tell God you did?” That really made me check my heart to see if I understood the weight and privilege I have been given here. Think about this. Our God, who could have pick any other method, chose us to spread his epic love story. Wow. Us, to heal his people, claim victory over deadness, to be vessels of his love, and to get to worship him. It’s mind blowing!!!

There were baptisms at the end of the message and one of my friends had just gotten baptized. He was being prayed over and joyful tears were flowing. This might be gross to some so warning but he had a long string of snot coming out of his nose. I saw it and was like “yikes” but I didn’t do anything. The man who had just baptized him, without hesitation, took his hand and wiped the snot away. Would I do that? Would you do that? Jesus would do that. Jesus touched the lepers, reclined at the table with those no one would want to. He washed the disciples feet when they should have washed his. I mean the woman kissed the feet of Jesus and dried them with her hair. How far am I going to go to love God, love his people, and abandon myself for the calling that’s been placed on me?

It’s easy to say I dedicate my life and trust his plans. To give up my comforts and running water. It’s exciting to take 3 pairs of shorts, 5 t-shirts, 2 pairs of jeans, and carry them all on my back for 11 months. But when the rubber meets the road, how far will I go for others? If I do not have the eyes for his people like he does, I won’t serve to my full capacity.

My life is now the gospel and my purpose is sharing that with others. I have to be selfless and die every single minute of the day to my fleshly desires. Which sounds rough and it is. But I will do it. I want to tell God that I did whatever crazy thing he has asked me to at the end of the year. “no reserves, no regrets, and no retreats” – William Borden. That’s my life now. I would trade it all for the joy I experience when I get to sit in the presence of God, worship my king, or help someone else. The hardships become bearable because of those moments you get. There is truly beauty in it.

What to join with me?
Pray that the Lord reveals to you where you need to be refined and think about what you want to tell God you did at the end of a year. Everyone is call to serve his people. We are all living sent. Right where you are is your mission field. 
Pray that for me too. Pray the Lord breaks me to be poured out and that I have the strength to die to my desires everyday.

Also, would you consider giving financially to the work the Lord has ahead of me? Investing in the kingdom work? I am close to being fully funded. If that isn’t something the Lord is saying for you then please join my support team in prayer.

Catch me flying through the air Monday and in Guatemala for the next 8 weeks! Also, if you want to stay in contact with me  you can DM me on instagram, Facebook messenger, WhatsApp, or even email.

Much Love,                                                                                                                                                                           Morgan

6 responses to ““No Reserves, No Retreats, and No Regrets””

  1. Morgan, wow you’re killing me woman of God! Brokenness, abandonment, desperation for him alone, a hunger and thirst for righteousness, a pruning and refining etc. etc.
    So so good, thanks for the awesome recap and casting such life-giving oxygen and renewed vision in my own heart.
    I love especially how you saw that it’s us, his bride, his body, his wife, his church, we the called out ones(Ecclesia) , that our two partner and Cole Lieber in the great mission of God! Descending/missionary God has given us the high calling, duty/privilege of being broken jars of clay in the gospels ! So proud of you Morgan, you clearly have a “yes and amen “ in your spirit

  2. I’m so excited for your trip and growth in the Lord as you serve him!! My prayers continue!!

  3. Waaaa Morgan I loved reading your heart!!

    “But when the rubber meets the road, how far will I go for others? If I do not have the eyes for his people like he does, I won’t serve to my full capacity”
    Lord give us your eyes to see and your heart it love!!
    The way we live our lives is truly the gospel, specially when we are in other cultures and languages. Is our life (with no words) preaching the gospel?
    So so good.
    I’m so excited to walk with you this year chica! Already seeing such transformation I can’t wait to witness all the things He will do in and through you!!

  4. Ok, what a cool title. I too was really convicted by that challenge. What a joy to think we can stand before the Lord without shame anyway BUT to stand and go through a rolodex of adventures you had with Him doing work in the Kingdom WITH Him is the goal. This was a really sweet read for me to reposition my hear too! Excited for you sis!

  5. Wow wow wow! The heartbeat of this is littered with abandonment! The road is unknown and the road is hard, but I am so excited for you to see how sweet and intentional it is AT THE SAME TIME! So excited to see what the Lord does in and through you the next 5 months 🙂

  6. “Our God, who could have pick any other method, chose us to spread his epic love story. Wow. Us, to heal his people, claim victory over deadness, to be vessels of his love, and to get to worship him.”
    This got me good. So amazing Morgan and so honored to be apart of this post and even more our future time together!
    Love Always,